Sunday 8 June 2014

Mexican Beef Hotpot

Full of flavour, you won't miss the garlic and onion at all.

Serves 4

400g beef, cut into strips
100g hot salami, sliced*
2 capsicums (any colour), cut into strips
1 can diced tomatoes
2 Tbsp tomato paste
2 spring onions, green parts only, sliced
2 tsp ground sweet paprika
1 Tbsp ground cumin
1 Tbsp ground coriander
½ tsp ground chipotle powder
1/2 bunch fresh coriander, roughly chopped
Pickled jalapeƱos and parmesan, to serve

Heat a frypan to a high heat with a little olive oil or garlic oil. Add beef strips and fry until brown. Add capsicum and spring onion and turn down to medium heat. Cook, stirring, until capsicum begins to soften. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, paprika, cumin and ground coriander and stir through. Simmer for 20 minutes, or until sauce thickens. Remove from heat and stir through coriander. Serve into bowls and top with parmesan and jalepenos.

Serve with cornbread (see recipe).

* Check salami is gluten free and free from other FODMAP foods. Use bacon as an alternative, or leave it out altogether.

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