Wednesday 11 June 2014

Omelette with Hash Brown

Serves 1 very hungry person or 2 normal people

2 small potatoes, grated.
3 eggs (½  for the hash, 2 ½ for the omelette)
1 Tbsp cornflour
2 Tbsp lactose-free milk

50g salami, diced or sliced*
1 spring onion, green parts only, finely sliced
¼ red capsicum, diced
¼ red chilli, finely diced
¼ cup cheese, grated
Sliced tomato and parsley, to serve

Fry salami, spring onion, capsicum and chilli in a hot pan until cooked. Set aside.

Combine potatoes, cornflour and ½ an egg (beaten) in a bowl with some seasoning. Heat a good amount of oil in a pan to a medium heat. Put the potato mixture in the hot oil and spread out evenly using a fork, pressing down to compact the mixture a little. Once golden, carefully flip and cook the other side.

Combine milk, 2 eggs and the remaining ½ egg from the hash in a bowl and beat lightly.  Heat a pan to a medium heat with a little oil. Pour the egg mixture into pan and cook until edges are solid.

Sprinkle cheese and salami mixture on half the egg. Let the egg almost completely cook, then carefully fold the plain side over and press down lightly.

Serve hash brown stacked with omelette and a side of tomato. Cut entire serving in half to share.

* Omit salami for vegetarian

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